viernes, 14 de junio de 2019

My favorite subject

Hi bloggers, the topic of this post it’s about my favorite subject this term. Well this term I have seven subjects Herbarium, English, Structure, Growth, writing, Product and Service,  and Belly dance. The name of my subject is too long, but I prefer to become shorter. Of this subject only have five for curriculum map and herbarium and belly dance are elective. I think that of all this, maybe Growth it’s my favorite because I consider so exciting how to grow plant is so amazing but due to that, it’s difficult for because you have to has a very good memory because you have to learn many names and process. This subject is practical and theoretical, and in theoretical class goes to a laboratory and make reports. In this subject, we have three teachers (Karen, Patricio and Magda), I like everyone, but I like the way to Magda teach because always she says us “thing like a tree”, because you think like a tree you understand your process and it is easier to learn and I think she has a reason.
See you soon in the next post,

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