viernes, 28 de junio de 2019

Evaluating your blog experience

Hello bloggers, the topic this week is my experience with my blog. I think to write about my interesting is difficult, because I think I don't know myself and share with you about different topics was hard, because for every post I will ask to my  family about my own  liking and interest  and they always give me the answer, but no always ask you to them, so in base to post of  my teacher began to remember and plan about what I was going to write . I think probably I have been improving with my English because all weeks I should write to a post and the teacher correct the post and I was learning a little more. Was funny write post, because we talk about all different topics and write about topics so different I
I have been able to know more of my colleagues and to distract myself a bit from my studies. Think is great to make a post in the English because we have the teacher and we make ask about grammar for example to the teacher. I don’t find disadvantages in this way to learn and is funny.

Well personally I suggest that we will make more post, because is a great way to practice English.



Hello bloggers, the future is so untrue and always I think  about that I don’t know what will do  after the university and I fell so excited because I don’t like study in general, my career is cool but I think don’t is my passion yet and I think nothing in the life I like so much . So maybe in the future I will sell houses and rent and live with this money, but for this first I need to make resources and for this I need to work first. I think if we don’t stop to use plastic or any products disposable   this world self-destruct. We began with toothbrush made of bamboo wood, make own soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste and with this actions we make the change and reduce the litter, because this products being in glass container.
First all that I will end my career in the appropriate time because in my career delay a year and one more year is too much (in the same time study medicine). Well is a joke because I will be a genius for study that and I don’t like see the blood.
Bye .

viernes, 14 de junio de 2019

My favorite subject

Hi bloggers, the topic of this post it’s about my favorite subject this term. Well this term I have seven subjects Herbarium, English, Structure, Growth, writing, Product and Service,  and Belly dance. The name of my subject is too long, but I prefer to become shorter. Of this subject only have five for curriculum map and herbarium and belly dance are elective. I think that of all this, maybe Growth it’s my favorite because I consider so exciting how to grow plant is so amazing but due to that, it’s difficult for because you have to has a very good memory because you have to learn many names and process. This subject is practical and theoretical, and in theoretical class goes to a laboratory and make reports. In this subject, we have three teachers (Karen, Patricio and Magda), I like everyone, but I like the way to Magda teach because always she says us “thing like a tree”, because you think like a tree you understand your process and it is easier to learn and I think she has a reason.
See you soon in the next post,


Hello everyone. Another week, another post. This week it’s about my favorite website. Well I think I like Instagram, but this don’t have  relationship  with my career, maybe a website related to my career is INFOR, because if I need information about exportation, for example, wood, product no timber (Maqui,  Boldo leaf, essential oil ). In general, is too useful. This page I use if I need to make some report  or some presentation about my career, also of this page I like the documents because always have book online updated  with  datum  about GDP(gross domestic product), because every year it’s changing. In general, I like logo because is a tree like a pine tree  in front and in the back is maybe a tree of the forest “esclerofilo” and I think the fusion is amazing also I like the color pale green and dark green.  The word INFOR is an acronym, and this means the Forestry Institute. This page has a  forestry   inventory,  forestry statistics, new projects, and finally a forestal library.

viernes, 7 de junio de 2019


Hello everyone,
I love to travel so much because I think you grow up like person, meet new people that are so friendly, cariñosa and gentile.
I hope in the future travel around the World, is one of my dreams; but first all that I want to finish my career, and with my salary travel out of my country, because always go with my family to beach "Quintero" or to "Chillán", because we have family  and this is the opportunity to see them.
I like to travel for example to Australia, Denmark, Peru, etc...  I like to visit this place because I want to know, why Denmark is the place more happy to world and learn about the gastronomy of Peru and know the kangaroo because is one of my favorite animals.
More than to arrive at the place, I like to travel in general (by car, airplane), but only he travels by car, and I like one day travel in an airplane and taste the food, some people tell me that is good.

viernes, 31 de mayo de 2019

My favourite photograph

Hello everybody, another week  another  post.
I have too many photos because I like photography , because always  make me remember the good times, but;  this photo is too special for me because  appears all my family (from left to right, Fernanda(my  middle sister), my dad, my mom, in her legs Francisca(my little sister), and me). when we  go to holidays is difficult to take photos of all us . Well, this photo  went taked in “Parque Nacional Villarrica” is a very beautiful and cold place.
I like this photo because our smile are real because the person who take  photo is a friend of my dad and is so funny  , this photo was taken in this year, in  summer holidays i don’t remember  the exactly day but was in February.
Was so  difficult to choice a photo because with my family always have especially  moments , but this photo has better resolution  and is recent.
See you in the next post, bye.

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2019


Hello everyone, I hope you are ok.
Well, I dont have many hobbies, but I think maybe weabe is one of my hobbies and really like but I don't to do because have a injury in my elbow and when weabe hurt me, because of prep I can't elbow.
Another of my hobbies is make handicrafts like bracelet for my friends or my family, this bracelet are personalized, and add thread of differents colours and differents pendant (diferents size, shape).
And finally, I like to do  treeking, but only when I have time, and with the study it's difficult, but I try to do, because is relaxing is a really good sport, when i climb try to identify some species and collect them. Usually I go with my dad, someday I like to go with all my family, but my sisters exhaust, because they prefer see your mobile phone.
see you in the next blog,bye.